A hosptial for the region, a clinic for the entire world!
Unsere Kinder- und Jugendklinik Freiburg
For more than 150 years we have been practicing first-rate pediatric medicine and childcare in Freiburg and have been developing new treatment strategies which are globally unique. With the new construction of Unsere Kinder- und Jugendklinik Freiburg (Our Child and Adolescent Clinic Freiburg), we continue this success story and lay the foundation for a new generation of hospitals and medicine. It is the foundation for an institution that will provide both expert and empathetic care for roughly 75,000 sick children and adolescents annually. And it is the basis for an environment that fosters recovery and development, maintains the health of parents and staff and keeps in mind future generations by using resources responsibly.
Over 25,000 square meters will provide space for 175 beds allowing for 5,000 parents to be admitted annually with their children. The new parents` house located on the premises will actually offer accommodation for 17,000 family members per year. The construction costs are estimated at approximately 113 million euros for the clinic itself and an additional 20 million euros for developmental and infrastructural measures. The building site of Unsere Kinder- und Jugendklinik Freiburg has already been determined: in the Breisacher Straße with direct access to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical Center – University of Freiburg.

Site plan of our new Kinder- und Jugendklinik Freiburg
‘Patient orientation is not a luxury but a mandate of medical care.’ In keeping with this motto we have made many important steps since 2012: After compiling the usage specifications and receiving official clearance from the Treasury of Baden-Württemberg, we developed our guiding principles, program requirements and qualitative space concepts. Furthermore we announced a Europe-wide architectural competition. Construction documents are issued in 2016, and in 2018 the ground-breaking ceremony take place. Presumably, Unsere Kinder und Jugendklinik Freiburg will be inaugurated 2022.
What makes our project unique?
Everything under one roof
Unsere Kinder- und Jugendklinik Freiburg will provide improved comprehensive medical care for this area. The heart of the overall concept of our new Freiburg model is the construction of a center for pediatric high-performance medicine which will unite all of the disciplines of the Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at the Medical Center – University of Freiburg and of the Pediatric Department of St. Josef’s Hospital. A unique institution will emerge which extends beyond regional boundaries. Our plan for the new development of a ‘pediatric hospital of the 21st century’ is to unite university medicine, clinical standard care and a central emergency consultation service involving privately practicing pediatricians of the entire catchment area. Thus, emergency services are guaranteed at all times. The parents’ house will also be rebuilt at the new location in the Breisacher Straße. It will provide a temporary home for families who live further away or whose children are hospitalized for a longer period of time.
As a statewide model, the building project unites academic medicine, standard care and comprehensive emergency care in one, economically sensible facility. For the future care of children, adolescents and their families in Freiburg and the surrounding area this means: faster diagnosis, shorter treatment sequences, less stress and more security. At the same time we are laying the foundation, internationally, for a pediatric high-performance center that provides optimal chances of recovery and development for children and adolescents from all over the world.
We don’t just talk about patient orientation. We build it!!
In 2013, the INITIATIVE commissioned kopvol architecture & psychology (Rotterdam) with the development of qualitative space concepts for Unsere Kinder- und Jugendklinik Freiburg. In developing these concepts kopvol worked closely together with future users of the clinic including patients, parents and staff members. The results were fully innovative solutions that combine medical care and architecture to create a “healing and supporting environment”:
RUN-Cluster (Room for Upgrowth, Development and Normality) – an independent, ward-connecting care provision unit which is dedicated to nourishing mental well-being and provides space for education and schooling as well as for encounter and for common meals for our children, adolescents and their parents.
Anti-Waiting Area (out-patient centers) – an area where children, adolescents and their families can find precisely the diversion and relief they need during their out-patient stay.
Space for Emotional Security and Care – patient rooms that foster spatially and emotionally the closeness of parents and their child while at the same time leaving enough space for both.
The Forum of Health Education and Health Promotion with an integrated family center – develops the competence of the entire family with respect to health care and its provision.
Parent-Child-Patient-Buffet – which allows the family to share meals and be together.
The Centralized ‘Working World’ – areas that maintain closeness to patient care: open interdisciplinary rooms for all staff members promote the inter-professional exchange in the daily.
Research Labs that maintain proximity to patient care – expedite the prompt feedback between research and patient care for better recovery.
Sustainability – guaranteed by our 100% Tail Wind Model.
Order our booklet by e-mail if you wish to learn more about our project, the concepts underlying this new construction, the realization of the guiding principles or the background:
Vollmer & Koppen (2015): Unsere Kinder- und Jugendklinik Freiburg. A hospital for the region, a clinic for the entire world! INITIATIVE (Ed.), Freiburg i. Br. (ISBN 978-90-824778-0-1) 25,- EUR
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